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本サービス(AI News)は、最新の海外AIニュースの日本語要約を日々お届けしています。本サービスではAIを用いて全て自動で配信しております。このような仕組みを用いて、日本語圏の方々が変化の速いAI業界を素早くキャッチアップするのに役立つ情報を提供することを目指しています。




Introduction: “AI News Translator is a service dedicated to translating and providing the latest foreign AI-related news in Japanese. We offer real-time insights into global AI developments and trends to Japanese experts and enthusiasts.”

Feature Introduction

Translated Articles: “We collect AI-related news from around the world, translate it, and provide it in Japanese. Users can quickly access information on the latest technological advancements and research findings.”

Video Summaries: “We also offer video summaries of the articles. These videos make it easier to digest information through visuals and audio.”

Personalized Feeds: “Based on user interests, we provide personalized feeds of articles and videos. Content can be filtered based on specific topics or keywords.”

Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines: “We ask all users to follow our guidelines to maintain a healthy community. Please exchange information respectfully.”